Lowkeygenderless blacklist, made by Angie (Angiielol on youtube)
Hey ! I'm sure you guys know me as Angie, someone who used to be friends with X. I'll be talking about some things Craig has done. Everything that comes from this carrd is REAL info, and this should be the carrd that gets put around as its not spreading any misinformation. :)
RacismOh boy.. Here goes nothing. I don't know if I should really label Craig as racist, but he has done racist things. More specifically- to black people. He talked about black people and used words such as "we". Craig is hispanic. I get he might be talking about poc struggles, but the subject was strictly about black people/rep. That's not okay. Craig has also put a slur used against black people in one of his video titles, but as of now the video has been taken down and reuploaded with a different audio. He has apologized for saying the slur, but as of now the apology has disappeared completely from their channel. Wtf.

Non-consentual/SA jokesHere, it's completely up to you whether you believe me or not on this, since this situation did happen over voice chat, but I say this with 100% honesty. I showed off the relationship between two ocs, Nex and Akari (akari is owned by my boyfriend), and Craig began to express their love and attraction towards Akari, going as far as to saying he'd have intercourse with her while he watches in horror despite I, the owner of Nex, and knowing Akari well, have stated multiple times that 1, Akari would not consent to this (Craig said that "She would for him"), and two, Nex wouldn't like it at all. Craig even went as far as to say he'd shit on Nex because he loved Akari so much, and when I told X that Nex would not like him to do that, Craig said, and I quote; "Who said I gave him consent ?". It is absolutely VILE that a joke like that was made. Jokingly, or not. X could of worded that a million different ways, yet chose to word it like that. Disgusting.
Treating me, Angie, horribly.I will admit. I did horrible things to Craig in the past, and I'm learning if not have learned from my mistakes. I've apologized to X multiple times, and I feel like it's finally my time to come out and say a part of my story. This isn't really supposed to make you side with me, more on educating you of how horribly Craig treated me, and our situation.Craig has told me I was a horrible partner to my boyfriend as I was venting about my jealousy issues. Not once, but twice. The second time it happened I quickly changed the subject, not wanting to hear anything else more. But the first time, whilst I was venting Craig starts to criticize how I am in the relationship, and give some harsh advice to me (WHILE MAKING ME AN APPRECIATION EDIT TOO ???). I admit, I did need that advice. But did I need to hear that whilst I was venting ? No. That day left me in absolute shambles. I was left thinking I was a horrible partner for about 2 months, constantly crying and feeling insecure about how well of a partner I was to my boyfriend. He's also even indirectly told me he relapsed bc of me and I still don't know how to feel about it. I still have troubles on my self image, and I'm in the process of healing from it.Then comes the main drama. What bothers me most about this is that X sent xyr literal fanbase at me, saying to give me "criticism". On NO occasion do you ever send your fans, 50k+ people, at someone. Because there is always a group of people who are going to attack/send death threats to the person you sent them at (learned that the hard way). It is a bitch move to do that, then complain about how other gachatubers did that with you. Sure, Craig didn't deserve that. But it's so fucking hypocritical it's unbelievable :/I was constantly being talked over when the drama me and craig had went down, and the whole situation did start with me trying 2 reach out 4 help and get advice (which came out horribly, thats my fault). I was scared of Craig (still am btw) because of the power he held. I was scared they were gonna demolish me and ruin me completely. And that's exactly what xey did. I was backed into a corner and forced to step out of my comfort zone multiple times, just so I could try to defend myself.What also concerns me is that Craig decided to dump everything onto youtube while I was on break. Although it might not be the situation, Craig has stated that he was going to do a live explaining his side of the story at an earlier time before the live that was actually used to talk about me. That live was while I was away, on a break. What I'm picking up from this, is X decided to manipulate the situation while I was gone and get everyone on his side before I was back. And it kinda did work. Again, this might not be what was going on, it's just a suspicion I wanted to talk about.
AbleismI never thought I'd have to talk about Craig associating with ableism, but here I am. :(Craig's server (NOW OWNED BY ME LMAO !!!!) has gotten into literal shambles recently, with the 300+ channels and out of control members. But what really set the bomb off was when Craig decided to ignore a majority of the systems in his server for his own comfort.For context, systems in the server have tried expressing their discomfort being in the server (by fickins using bots who dont need them 2 show off their kin, how systems were being grouped with fickins, etc). In their discord server, they had the Tupper bot in the server and allowed people who weren’t systems to use it, which makes systems feel mocked. Craig changed the rule and then changed it back, making systems extremely upset that their voices weren’t being heard and they were being ignored. Craig went online to explain the situation, and proceeded to speak over systems and try to give their “opinion”, which wasn’t their place as they weren’t a system. It took them 50 minutes- 50 MINUTES to apologize to systems. Actually, no. It took him HOURS- HOURRSSSSS to apologize to them. Systems begged for hours on end, only to be ignored until the following day. That's so fucking shitty on his part. The way he wants people to listen to him, but doesnt listen to others. If he does listen to others, he'll just brush it off or find a way to make the situation about his opinon.His apology; https://youtu.be/Rkh9CBk1cYQCraig has also misused tone tags multiple times, which I find really horrible.

CPAgain. Never thought I'd associate craig with a label like this. But here we are anyway.Craig has openly admitted to reading smut of south park characters- literal CHILDREN. It is so disgusting that xe did this. X, these are minors. KIDS. YOU ARE READING CP.Craig has also uploaded artwork of amaguji onto r34, an nsfw website mainly for art. He has an argument for Rantaro not being a minor, and I understand where he's coming from. But never EVER did he justify that Korekiyo was an adult. It's heavily implied that the v3 characters are minors, and if Craig couldnt find any evidence of Korekiyo being an adult, he'd have to stick with the consensus that Korekiyo was a minor. And whilst we were still friends, me and Craig tried as hard as we could to find evidence that Korekiyo was an adult, but nothing we found could justify whether Korekiyo's a minor or not.**

Suicide baitingso craig went in no reply channels, and said he was gonna try and kill himself. and then proceeded 2 go offline, leaving this whole server of ppl starting at 11 - scared 2 death. There were even ppl who dmed mods asking if He was okay. Then out of nowhere, craig comes back, doesnt give ANY information. not even an “im okay !/I'm so happy !!”he went 2 me, angie, and vented to me, im not gonna share his vent. but I decided that I'd tell him that we were gonna watch BFB/BFDI 2 cheer him up. However, craig did completely 180 his mood. it went from “ITS BLEEDING SO MUCH” to “im so happy!” in the span of about 5 minutes at most. and i personally dont think thats okay, he blamed it on derealization.
EndThis is the official explanation of what Craig has done. I'm so disappointed in him, and I'd never thought he'd get this bad. I'm glad he's taking this break to reflect and educate himself, and I hope he comes back a better person./gen.Remember that none of this is misinformation and that all of this is genuine info coming from one of the victims of craigs actions.